

Objective: Histopathological study of gastric lesions in dog due to GLOs.
Design: Descriptive study.
Animals: Nineteen dogs, nine female and 10 males.
Procedure: Tissue samples of gastric tissue of dogs were tested for microbiological and histopathological studies (H&E staining method and biochemical tests such as catalase and urease test). Statistical analysis: Descriptive study.
Results: In 11 cases gastritis were seen: 3 cases(l6%) with chronic superficial gastritis, 1 case(5.25%) with chronic diffuse gastritis, 2 cases (10.5%) with follicular gastritis and 5 cases (26.25%) with acute gastritis.In all 11 cases both in direct examination and tissue smears, GLOs were found and also urease test was positive.
Clinical implications: There was direct correlation between production and severity of the lesions with age ratio. There was no gastric lesions diagnosed bellow 2 months old but between 2 to 4 months old, 60%and > 4months old, 71 % of cases were involved with gastritis. Also severity of lesions had a direct correlation with the number of bacteria. Finally, the recommended method for diagnosis is urease test, histopathology and direct examination of tissue smears with Geimsa staining. J. Fac. Vet. Med. Univ. Tehran. 57, 4: 55-57, 2002.
