Objective: Determination of reference values of serum proteins in Khuzestan indigenous buffaloes.
Animals: A total of 154 apparently healthy mature and immature buffaloes including both sexes.
Procedure: Blood samples were taken from Jagular vein. Total serum protein and protein fractions were determined by biuret and agarose gel electrophoresis, respectively.
Statistical analysis: Two ways ANOYA and the least significant difference test were used to compare mean values of different proteins of male and female, mature and immature buffaloes. Also the student t-test was used to compare mean serum protein values between mature and immature buffaloes in both sexes. The regression analysis was used to compare the effect of age and sex on protein percentage between male and female, mature and immature buffaloes. Results: In this study 4 main serum proteins as albumin, ?,? and y-globulin were separated. y-globulin mean value in females was higher than males. ? and y-globulin mean values in mature buffaloes were higher than immatures and ? -globulin mean value in immatures was significantly higher than matures. In mature males a-globulin mean value was significantly lower than immatures. Total globulin, p and y- globulin in mature females were significantly higher than immatures and a-globulin and albumin in immature females were significantly higher than matures. y-globulin and total globulin in mature females were higher than mature and immature males. Conclusion: Blood serum proteins of Khuzestan indigenous buffaloes consist of 4 fractions as albumin, a, p and y-globulins. The variable age effect on proteins significantly and with increasing age p and y-globulin .mean values increased but albumin and a-globulin mean values decreased. The variable sex just effected on y-globulin mean
value in females and was higher than males. J. Fac. Vet. Med Univ.
Tehran. 58, 4: 307-311,2003.