

The genus Cheyletiella are mites that are rarely found through out
the world. There are three species of this genus, which have hosts
such as dogs, cats and rabbits. These species go freely to various
host species and thus, there is no host specifcity amoung the
species of Cheyletiella. This mite can transiently affect human via
direct contact. Transmission of these mites is occured vith the help
of ectoparasites such as fleas or with direct contact. The
Cheyletiella infestation causes a mild, non - suppurative dermatitis
and since they are moving on the body coat, the term’ Walking
dandruff” is used for the disease, In some cases, there is no signs of
infestation on dog or other hosts, so the host can be reffered to as
a non - symtomatic carrier , and from this point of view, There is a
little data on the prevalence and incidence of it’s infestation in Iran.
This present case report is the second report of Cheyletiella
infestation in Iran, The mites was observed on the fleas separated
from a dog which was brought to the clinic of veterinary university
in Tabriz city in October 1998.
