Iranian granular Sturgeon caviar and its processing environment were analysed for 12 microbial examinations in 2 Sturgeon fish catching stations of Mazandaran area. Totally 72 samples (in duplicate) of caviar in3 stages including (1) raw ,(2)processed and(3) cold stored caviar for 6 months at -3° C, and 8 samples of processing environment (in 14 items) were analysed. The species of Sturgeon fish were belonged to Beluga, Sevruga and Osetra. Combination of 1920 microbial examinations (3x8x2x12°=576 for caviar and l4xSxl2=l344 for environment) were done for this study. The cultures also were examined for determination of the dominant micro flora. The 12 microbial examinations were including of two SPC (at 37° and 25°C) fungi, coli forms, Staphylococci Enterococci (for microbial count), Salmonella, Plesiomonas, Vibrio, C. botulinum C. perfringens and Listeria (for detection). The 14 items of environmental samples were including of 2 water, 2 personel fingers and 2 air samples with caviar can, herbal brush of caviar screen, caviar screen, fish cutting knife,
caviar- skimmer, fish cutting table, caviar processing table and caught fish bridge. The number of SPC and fungi (per gram) for the raw caviar was 0 to 102 with zero coli forms count. There was 1-2 logs increase in numbers of SPC and fungi in processed caviar and 2 more logs increase in numbers of fungi and SPC with 0 to
5.5x 101 coli forms in cold stored caviar after 6 months of storage at-3°C. Among 14 items of processing environment analysed for microbial examinations, air samples showed the lowest (<1 SPC/cm2/min), and the caught fish bridge (>104 SPC/cm2) with the herbal brush of caviar screen (>104 SPC/ml of rinse test), showed the highest contamination. The dominant microbial flora obtained from caviar and its processing environment also were identified. Although there are no accepted limits for SPC, fungi, coli forms and other microbial counts in caviar and in its environmental samples, our results indicated a good microbial condition in most cases, but in some cases there is an urgent need for more hygienic activities to inprove the microbial quality of caviar and its processing environment. The impact of these findings to improve HACCP plan and formulation of caviar has been discussed.