

Objective: Study on prevalence rate of Aegyptianella pullorum infection in native chickens of Amole and suburbs. Design: Cross- sectional study.
Animals: 50 Chickens.
Procedure: Blood sampling from 50 chickens (Gallus gallus domestic us) , preparing Giemsa- stained blood smears, and measuring hematologic parameters. Results: Three samples out of 50 (6%) were infected with A. pullo rum. No significant difference was evident between hematologic parameters of infected and non- infected birds (P>0.05). Hematological factors of infected birds were normal.
Conclusion: The results confirmed A. pullorum infection in native chickens (Gallus gallus domestic us) of the area. J.Fac. Vet.Med. Univ. Tehran. 60,4:389-391,2005.
