Ruminal ciliated protozoa in Baloochi and Sindhi Camel breeds



BACKGROUND: The study of rumen protozoan frequency and population diversity in different regions' ruminants, moreover than increasing the information about diversity of protozoa, shows the relationship within the species of ruminants, partially. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this research was to study of ruminal ciliate population in one-humped camels of Baloochi (n=14) and Sindhi (n=6) strains. METHODS: The samples were collected from rumen after slaughter. Samples then were transferred into formalin bottles. At first, all the ciliates were counted and their genus and species were determined. RESULTS: The mean of ciliates were 29.4×104 in Baloochi and 35.6×104 in Sindhi camels per each milliliter of ruminal content. Entodinium dubardi, Diplodinium cameli, Epidinium ecaudatum, Epidinium caudatum and Caloscolex camelinus were observed in both breeds. Frequency of Epidinium caudatum in Sindhi camels (15×104 per ml) was significantly higher than Baloochi camels (12×104 per ml; p<0.001). Diplodinium dentatum was seen only in Baluchi (18.1×104 per ml), whereas Eudiplodinium maggii could be observed only in Sindhi camels. CONCLUSIONS: The population of ciliated ruminal protozoa is very similar in two breeds. However, some of protozoa species exclusively present in one species of studied camels and are specific to the related host.
