Assessing the Serum Metabolic Biomarkers of Darehshori Horses and Their Relationships With Each Other

Document Type : Large Animal Health Management


1 Department of Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 D.V.M, Private Sector, Iran


BACKGROUND: Different breeds of horses have distinct and
specific metabolic profiles which reflect the health status of horses. OBJECTIVES:
The present study was performed to determine the circulating metabolic
biomarkers and their correlations in Darehshori horses. METHODS: Blood
samples were taken from 56 Darehshori horses (5 to 7 years old). They were
divided into 2 groups containing 26 non-pregnant and non-lactating mares and 30
stallions. Sera were separated and assayed for glucose, insulin,
beta-hydroxybutiric acid, non-esterified fatty acid, cholesterol, triglyceride
and high, low and very low density lipoproteins. RESULTS: Serum concentration
of beta-hydroxybutiric acid in stallions was significantly higher than in
mares. The remaining metabolic biomarkers showed no significant differences
between the two studied groups. There were negative and non- significant
correlations between insulin and glucose in both sexes. Insulin was negatively
correlated with cholesterol, triglyceride and high, low and very low density
lipoproteins in studied groups. The negative relationships were seen among
glucose and cholesterol, triglyceride and high, low and very low density
lipoproteins in mares and stallions. In both groups, non-esterified fatty acid
and beta-hydroxybutiric acid were negatively correlated with serum lipid
profile. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study provided a
general pattern for normal values of metabolic profile biomarkers in
non-pregnant mares and stallions of Darehshori horses. These values also help
veterinarians to diagnose metabolic abnormalities of this breed. However,
season, age, management, nutritional and different physiological states may
alter the values of these biomarkers and in interpreting the changes, these
conditions should be considered


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