

Objectives: Determination of protein pattern of lymph nodes of
25 cows that had clinical bovine leucosis and comparison with apparently healthy cows. Samples: A total of 25 samples of BLV infected lymph nodes from
slaughtered cows that were positive in ELISA and AGID serological tests and had clinical singes of leucosis along with five apparently
healthy lymph nodes from cows that were negative in ELISA and
AGID for BLV. These tissues were obtained during Jun.2001 to Oct.2002 in Iran. Procedure: Following protein extraction and purification of the samples electrophoresis by SDS-PAGE method were done on the
samples. Protein bands stained by commassie brilliant blue.
Results: The results of SDS-PAGE test of samples, were shown
that all of the tissues posses 25 different protein bands that related to normal lymph node in addition two 51, 24 kd bands in protein
patterns of affected cows. Those two proteins are the most important viral proteins of the BLV and detecting of these proteins can use in diagnosis of the disease
