

Objective: To evaluate The effect of some physicochemical factors such as strain, temperature and media composition on the production of catalase Antigen.
Design: Iterventional.
Procedure: Four media (AMM, YED, S and CDA) which were different in kind, and amount of glucose and other ionic and aminoacid components were used at 28 and 37 . Also Two pathogenic human and animal isolates were used for mass Production of fungi, the mycelia were being filtered after 96 hours, were disrupted using lysing buffer, and then centrifuged at 150000g. The water soluble suppernatant, was used to purify the antigen. The amount of proteins water - Soluble were measurered by Brodford method. Then electrophorised and the sample was specificaully stained with ferocyanid. The water - sdubles were loaded on the anionic and cathionic columns, respectively. The amounts of their proteins were measured follewed by reading their O.Ds eluents of cathionic calumn were electrophorised and their electrophoretic
patterns were compared.
Results: Results showed that the amount of the proteins in two S and CDA was 1/3±0/Img/ml and in the other two YED and AMM it was 1/1±0/1mg/mI. After chromatography, still the protein amount of the first two water - soluble’s (S and CDA) were more than that of the second two water - soluble’s (YED and AMM). Electrphoresis of the eluents showed that the eluents of S and CDA had stronger bands than the eluents of YED and AMIvI. It is concluded that strain and temperature has no effects on the protein amounts of water - solubles as well as eluents. While The media composition had positive effect on their protein amounts.
Clinical implications: This study also showed that in contrast to the media composition, strain and tempreature has no effects on the electrophoretic Pattern of The water - solubles and eluents.
