

Objective: Evaluation of PCR test to confirm the samples that showed mycobacterium infection.
Designe: Observational study. Animals: One thousand goats, lymph nodes and organs with visible
lesion in reactor goats. Précedure: At first the goats were tested by CIDT method.
Measuring thikness of skin, clinical and necropsy examination in
reactor and suspicious goats. Sampling of organs with visible lesion. Bacteriologic test and PCR by (Hot start PCR) kit. The type of
primer used in study was IS 116.
Results: In all goats which were studied, 7 goats responded positive and 4 suspicious. In 11 goats under study ,4 show mycobacterium tuberculosis complex by PCR test. those result were compare with
result of bacteriology tests.
Clinical implications: Not only this study is the first research about mycobacterium in goat in Iran,but also is the first research
to confirm mycobacterium tuberculosis complex infection in small
ruminant and evaluation PCR test for diagnosis mycobacterium in
