Objective: To study the structure of the free part of the penis in camel. Design: Descriptive study.
Animal: Excised free part of penis from 6 camels.
Method: Six excised penises of the camels obtained from slaughter house were used in this study. Histological sections at 3 level of free part of the penis (proximal, middle and distal) were prepared. The sections were stained by H&E and studied under the light microsope.
Results: In this study presence of few chondral cells in the inner layer of tunica albuginea at the proximal segment of the free part were demonstrated. These cells increased in number and density towards the distal end and gradually penetrated into the corpus cavernosum penis and the central part of the glans penis. thus the distal extrimity of the free part of the penis changes to a fibrocartilagenous structure. J. Fac. Vet. Med. Univ. Tehran. 58, 1: 1-4, 2003.