

Objective: Ticks are parasite that can cause anemia by blood sucking in diffèrent animals in addition to some factors which are transmitted by ticks. Therefore, identification of ticks in each area is important in prognosis of the potential of presence of the transmited diseases. Design: Descriptive study.
Animals: Totally, 5491 animals including 3992 sheep, 695 goats. 426 cattle, 329 camels and 48 astray dogs were subjected to study. Procedure: While inspection animals, to determine the number of the present ticks on the skin of animals, inspecting the above mentioned the researcher examined three zones of the body including ear, head and below the tail and perianal region and around of mammary glands in females and, scrotum in males. After counting the ticks, they were removed and transmitted to Alchohol-Glycerin for the diagnosing of Genus and Species.
Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics.
Result: Totally, 6259 ticks were found which included 3 Genus and 9 Species namely, Rhipicephalus bursa, R sanguinus, Hyalomma anatolicion excavatuin, H. a. anatolicum, H.dromedari, H. schulzei, H detritum, H. asiaticum asiaticum and ornithodoros lahorensis. In the foregoing study Rhipicephalus bursa was mainly Ibund in sheep, goats and dogs, Hyalomma anatolicurn excavaluni in cattle and H. dromedarii in camels. The highest level of infestation by ticks in cattle was concentrated in the east of Garmsar which has the largest number of animal farms, in sheep and goats. this concentration was located in south ot Garmsar, in camels and dogs, in the north of the ciy. Astray (logs as compared to the animals in the above study, showed the highest degree of infestation by ticks (83.33%). The average number of ticks on the animals in tIns study in Gannsar was found to be fewer than 10 and the highest number was observed in goats in the cast of Garmsar.
Clinical implications: Regarding the role of Rhipicvphalus bursa and at a lesser rate R.sanguinus in the transmission of Babesiia spp. in cattle, sheep, goats, horses and dogs, also the role of Hyalomma .spp. in the transmission of Theileria spp., dipping is one of the most important methods for the control of protozoa at one month intervals from early of spring. In camels. Ornithodorus lahorensis can have a role in the transmission of Anaplasma. 1-lowever, further studies are necessary to improve its role. J. Fac. Vet. Med. Univ. Tehran. 58, 1: 11-14, 2003.
