Objective: Repert of presence of’ hyalomma aegyptium tick from Testudo graeca turtle in Iran.
Design: Case study.
Animal: Two turtles.
Procedure: Clinical as well as laboratory diagnosis. Results: In the spring 2001, 6 ticks (4 male, 2femalc) were observed and collected in 2 turtle, Testudo graeca in Kerman, province at south pan of Iran. Our obsen ation confirmed that they have been Hyalomma aegyptium. a common turtle parasite that was designated the type of’ subgenus Hyaloinmasta. This is the first report of’ H.aegyptiuin of mentioned Tortoise in Iran.
Concision: It is the first report of the presence of Hyalomma aegyptium tick from Testudo graeca turtles in Iran..!.