

Objective: Identification of etiopathogenesis and the type of pneumonia.
Animal: 4— months old lamb.
Procedure: Microbiological and pathological (H & E) study). Results: There was fibrinous and lobar bronchopneumonia in cranioventral region of the lungs. 1-listopathological examination showed coagulation necrosis, fibrin, neutrophils and other inflammatory cells infiltration into the alveoli and bronchiols, accompanied by atelectasis and emphysema. By tissue culture and biochemical tests, Pasteurella hemolytica, biotype T was specified. Conclussion: Pasteurella hemolytica biotype T usually produces septicemia but in this case fibrinous bronchopneumonia (Pneumonic pasteurellosis) was seen. J.fac.vet.med.univ.Tehran.57,3:73-74,2002
