Objective: Identification of bacterial agent of a severe pyometra of a queen.
Design: Case study.
Animals: A 16-year-old mixed Persian queen.
Procedure: The queen was referred to one of the small animal clinics in Tabriz-lran, May 1998 .On the basis of history, the disease has been noticed 2 years ago with intermittent vomiting, loss of appetite and gradual enlargement of abdomen.Blood samples were taken for CBC and the specimens were taken from the uterus contents aseptically before and after necropsy and cultured for bacteria. Euthanasia was recommended because of old age, poor body condition, advanced pyometra and poor response to treatment and surgery. For further investigations necropsy was performed.
Results: Clinical examinations revealed the following symptoms: pale mucous membranes, tachycardia, tachypnea, lusterless coating, cachexia, severe enlarged abdomen with palpable uterine enlargmcnt. The leukogram indicated neutrophilia and shift to the left At necropsy, severe cachexia and closed-cervix,extremely distended utcrus with congestion of perimetrium and copious amount of yellowish brown, relatively thick puss with putrefied odor in uterus were observed. The thickness of uterus wall was increased and surface of
endometrium was hyperplastic. Pure Pasteurella multocida was isolated from uterus contents culture.
Clinical implications: There is no report of isolation of P. multocida from pyometra of queen in Iran. These findings indicated that culture of uterus contents for isolation of bacterial agents of pyometra in cat should be made. J. Fac. Vet. Med. Univ. Tehran. 57, 4: 77-79, 2002.