

‘Objective: In this research the total productivity factors of broiler breeder farms in Tehran province were studied.
Design: Log-linear regression model.
Animals: Total number of the broiler breeder farms in Tehran province was 50 units with total capacity of 3, 538, 000 birds, which representing 33% of total capacity of the country.
Procedure: In this study all broiler breeder farms in Tehran province were analyzed and inputs data such as: Capital, intermediate factors, labor, feed balance, hardness of water, bacterial count of water, type of building, direction of building, altitude, holding density, type of management and capacity of the farms were investigated. One of the farms with the biggest capacity was chosen as base and other units were compared with it.
Statistical analysis: Slope of linear regression equation.
Results: The results indicated that productivity of 64% of the farms was lower than 1 and productivity of 36% was I or more. The results showed that the expperience of labor had a positive effect on farm productivity, by increasing 1%, caused 0.9% increase in total productivity of the farms (P<0.0l). The increase in the ratio of present capacity to potential capacity of the farms resulted in a positive effect on the total productivity, in which an increment of 1%, caused 0.29% increase in total productivity (P<0.0 1). The effect of microbial count of drinking water on the productivity of farms was also studied. Increase in microbial number caused a decrease in the total productivity of farms. Increasing of 1% in microbial count caused 0.01% decrease in total productivity (P<0.Ol). Simultaneous feeding of hens and cocks had a positive effect on the productivity. By increasing 1% a 0.2 1% improvement in the productivity of farms was observed
Conclusion: Factors such as feed balance, type of buildings, direction of building, altitude of farm from sea level, holding density, management type and farm capacity were not shown to have significant effect on total productivity of forms. J. Fac. Vet. Med. Univ. Tehran. 57, 4: 85-90, 2002.
