Objective: Usually sever and progressed lesions in distal end of teat results to economic losses due to inability of milking of affected quarter, increase possibility risk of mastitis and early culling. The new technique of anastomosis between affected and its normal neighboring teats can be an alternative surgical method to prevention of lost of quarter lactation and subsequent adverse effects on mammary gland parenchyma and early culling from milking herds. Design: Descriptive study.
Animals: Five healthy, non-pregnant Holstein cows. Procedure: The rear teats were prepared for aseptic surgery. The left teats (1/3 of distal portion) were amputated horizontally, and
full-thichness elliptical incisions were induced in 1/3 of proximal of the right teats from the base, in medial aspect. Anastomosis between amputated and neighboring teats was completed with two rows of sutures, simple interrupted in mucosal layer and interrupted horizontal mattress in intermediate and skin layers with polyglactin 910 (Coated Vicryl), sized 3-0 and 2-0, respectively.
Results: Healing process during the study (45 days) was very good, without any milk leakage or fistula formation.No clinical sign of mastitis was observed and from milk samples of anastomated teats no bacteria was isolated in culture. Milking with machine after removal of skin sutures was done without any difficulty. There was no considerable difference in total milk volume of rear quarters after anastomosis in comparison with before surgery. Milking time of the anastomated quarters was a little more than before anastomosis. Conclusion: According to the clinical findings of this study, it could be concluded that the introduced new technique of teat anastomosis could be performed in severe and progressed lesions in distal end of teat in dairy cattle to maintain total capacity of milk production of cow. J. Fac. Vet. Med. Univ. Tehran. 58,3: 217¬222, 2003.