Objective: Knowing ecology of this region, the way of living people and the pattern of animals in old days.
Design: Morphological studies of animal remains.
Animals: All animals of the territory such as Equidae, Ruminant, dog and hog.
Procedure: Clearing, coding and recognising the kind of bones, animals, and biometry of some of them.
Results: Most of the animal remains were bones of domestic and wild animals especially ruminant. All bones were in five layers and probably belong to 6200 to 6800 years ago. The morphology of some bones studied properly.
Discussion: The results showed that this area were very fertile and the kind of bones indicated that the main sources of food of inhabitant were mostly ruminant especially sheep, goat and cattle and less pig. There were also bones of horses and dogs, which probably related to different usage of these animals in old days. J. Fac. Vet. Med. Univ. Tehran. 58,3: 271-274, 2003.