Objective: Anatomical and histological studies of VNO in Lori sheep.
Samples: Twenty-one of Lori sheep heads were used. Procedure: VNO of Lori sheep prepared and fixed in fixative solution, then processed for tissue sectionning.
For histological observation using H&E technique. Biometrical parameters of VNO were evaluated.
Results: The mean length of VNO was 90.645.96mm.This organ is encapsulated in cartilagenous capsule that in most portion incompleted but in small portion completed. In histological study of VNO showed that the epithelium linning the lumen of VNO were of two different kinds i.e: pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium (Respiratory) in lateral wall and pseudostratified nonciliated columnar (Receptory) in medial wall oflumen. J. Fac.Vet. Med. Univ. Tehran. 58, 3: 279-282, 2003.