Objective: To compare different procedures of immunization of chicken with precocious line of chicken with precocious line of Eimeria
Design: Completely randomized design.
Animals: Three hundred and sixty day-old Aryan broiler chicks.
Procedure: Chicks were randomly assigned to four treatments.
Each treatment was contained of 3 replicate floor pens of 30 chicks. One treatment considered as control and was not immunize. For immunizing the other three groups, oral, intra-acular, and intra- cloacal routs were used. All of the chicks were challenged at 28 days of post-irrtmunizatton with 2× 104 Eimeria tenella sporulated
oocysls per bird. Surveillances bar coccidian oocvsts on feces and
litter samples were continued until the day 9 post challenge and
determining oocyst counts per gram of litter sample were carried out tip to 8 weeks of rearing. Statistical analysis: Analysis of varianceTukey’s test.
Results: The results showed that the OPG in control groups were - significantly more than three immunized groups (P<0.01). Among’
immunized treatments, the lowest OPG was related to the chicks which had been vaccitnated by oral rout. It as indicated that the three routes of immunization caused aquired immunity to species which had been used for challenge. Taking sample from litter was a good way for monitoring oocysts count.
Conclusion: According to obtained results, it could he concluded
that vaccination against coccidiosis with all of the routes which were used in this experimental trial (including oral, intra-ocular, and intra—cloacal) could cause the adequate itmmune response in
chicken. J. Fac. Fkt. Med. Univ. Tehran. 57, 2: 1-4, 2002.