

Objective: Study of the clinical, biochemical and microbiological factors that cause Neonatal calves diarrhea.
Animals:A total of 140 diarrheic neonatal calves (under one month and 35 apparently normal calves).
Procedure: Taking stool sample from rectum of the diarrheic calves, and Blood from jugular vein, using standard methods for detection of bacteria and cryptosporidium measurement and the blood biochemical factors.
Statistical analysis: Results were repoted by descriptive scales and software SPSS(version 12) and Chi-Square and t-student.
Result: Clinical evaluation revealed that 36/4% of diarrheic samples were sever fluid. 42/9% of diarrheic Samples were yellow in color. 87/9% of calves were thin and vivacious. 65.7% diarrheic calves had poor feeding behaviour and 72.8% of diarrheic calves had second degree dehydration. We separated just E.coli from 28/6% and both E.coli & cryptosporidium from 35% of diarrheic fecal samples. k99 + Ecoli Consisted 2/1 % of separated E.coli bacteria. Biochemical factors such as Ca,Mg, Cl, k and Na also measured by routine methods and compared with control group (35 case) .There wasn't any significant difference in Ca, Mg, Cl, K and Na values between the control group and the group that E.coli was isolated from .But these values differed between the control group and the group which E.coli and cryptospordium were isolated from. Comparison between Ecoli and Ecoli and cryptosporidm groups revealed that there is not any difference between Na and k measures .but Ca, Mg and Cl values were different between these two groups.
Clinical implications: The diferences between treatment and control groups could be due to severe diarrhea in which
E.coli and cryptosporidium have been isolated. J.Fac. Vet .Med. Univ.Tehran.59,4:301-308,2004..
