Objective: To evaluate the effect of heptaminol on cardiovascular dysfunction and haemodynamic in dogs.
Design: Experimental study.
Animals: Ten adult Clinical normal male dogs weighing 22/5±3/24 K/bw and above one year of age, which were divided into two groups of 5 animals each.
Procedure: All dogs were anaesthetized with 5% Thiopental Sodium (20 mg/kgbw) and subsequently were connected to polyphysiograph via three-way stop-cock which was fixed via arterial catheter to the left carotid artery. Calibration was done from zero to 100 mmHg as to record blood pressures changes. Venous blood was collected for haematological parameters including Hb, glucose, WBC, PCV and total protein. After stablization of cardiovascular system and recording base- values, hypotension was induced about 40% of base value in each case by injecting additional 1.25 times of Thiopental Sodium. Heptaminol 2 mg/kgbw was injected intravenously after one minute to experimental group animals and 2cc normal saline was injected to control group animals. The conical, palpebral, pharyngeal reflexes, pin-prick, limbs relaxation, respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure and venous blood collection were recorded on 0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes intervals in all animals of both groups.
Statistical analysis: Student “t” test.
Results: The effect of intravenous injection of heptaminol (2mg/kgbw) was started on 15.01±2.2 seconds leading to significant increase in systolic pressure to 39.96±1.33 mmHg and 39.96±1.43 mmHg in diastolic pressure and 39.67±1.12 mmHg in mean arterial pressure (MAP). The maximum effect of heptaminol in increasing blood pressure was recorded to be at 22.8 seconds after injection. There were significant increase in heart rate, blood pressure and blood glucose level during observation period. No significant changes was observed on other parameters.
Conclusion: Intravenous injection of heptaminol as to increase blood pressure during hypotension, cardiopulmonary arrest and severe hypoxia is recommended.
Clinical relevance: Heptaminol can be used as cardiovascular analeptic for clinical cases. I. Fac. Vet. Med Univ. Tehran. 57, 1: 51-55, 2002.