Objective: Identification of sarcocystis cruzi in calf, by induced experimentally of infected in final and intermediate hosts.
Design: Experimental study.
Animals: Two healthy pup and one calf
Procedure: At first, two popy (2.5 months old) were fed by infected bovine hearts with sarcocystis. One week post infection, regular fecal examination for detection and isolation of Sporocysts were done by claytone - lane method. When the numbers of sporocysts were reached to maximal rate, the sporocysts were harvested and stored in 2% potassium dichromate In order to infect of intermediate host, a domestic female calf (5 nionths old) were inoculated orally with 360,000 sporocysts. The infected calf were regularly examined from beginning experiment to death time. At dead time calf were autopsied and done histopathological examination.
Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics.
Results: The results were shown that the dogs were shed sporocysts in their feces, eight day post infection. At 15 D.F.I, the numbers of sporocysts were reached to maximal rate. The first signs of illness were seen in the infected calf with high fever (42 C) and diarrhoea in 17 DPI. After a few days diarrhoea was stopped, but regular fever was continued to death time. The other signs were anorexia, emaciation, anemia and icterus. At 37 D.P. I (at death time). the calf became recumbent, hypotermic and nervous signs likes, trismus, nystagmus. opisthotonus were appeared. At necropcy, emaciation, anemia, icterus, petechial and echimosis on serosa. asceit, hydropericardium and large gallbiader were presented. At histopathological examination, cysts of sarcocysts cruzi were found in straited muscles, heart and brain.
Conclusion: With these results, it was exactly confirmed the peresence of sarcocystis cruzi for the first time in iran. J. Fac. Vet. Med Univ. Tehran. 57, 1: 67-69, 2002.