

The present study was conducted on 5 healthy adult sheep of either sex, weighig 30-60kg (49.9+ 10.32) mean + SD to evaluate the effects of the combination of the detominde and diazl2pam on cardiovascular, respiration and hemodynamic in sheep. Oetomidine hydrochloride and diazepam were injected intravenously at the rat{_ of 91.8+6.26pg/kg and 0.74+0.2 mg/kg respectively and these parameters HR, MAP, SAP, OAr, CVP, RR, temperature, ECG, blood gases" pH and bicarbonate were monitored before and 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60 minutes after drugs administration. Evaluation of the parameter£ were done by using standard techniques. Periodic venous blood samples were also collected for determination of PCV, Hb, blood glucose, BUN, creatinine, total protein, sodium, potassium and calcium levels. Effective sedation due to detomidine and diazepam caused significant transient hypotension and bradycardia followed by tachycardia.
A fall of 41 % in mean arterial pressure (MAP) was observed within one minutes after injection and increased gradu;lily during 30 minutes. The central venous pressure also increased sis;nificantly. There were no significant changes in arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions but
significant changes (p<0.05) were observed in arterial pH, and bicarbonate. The electrolytes and other biochemical parameters did not change significantly. All reflexes abolished exc'_pt corneal and anal pinch and there was no response to external stimuli and pin prick.