Post-slaughter inspection of sheep and goats was carried out during
9 monhths in Fars Meat Industrial Complex and the inspection of the hide of animals was also conducted in Fars hide production company (charmineh) during the same period.
Of total 660 goats and 6575 sheep examined in Fars Meat Complex, 418 (63.3%) and 4 (0.06lYO) showed hypodermosis, respectively. Inspection of a total 5000 goats and 5000 sheep hides in Fars hide production company showed damage to 2750 (55%) of goats hide and 25 (0.05%) of sheep hide.
Full-grown larvae was collected and identified as Przhevalskiana crossii.
- The annual economic losses caused by hypoderm os is to hide
production of these animals wen>- estimated as much as 288,750000
Rials in this province.