In order to distinguish unauthorized tissues in heated sausages, and also the allowed tissues such as muscular and connective tissues and estimate the percentages of them, 60 samples of heathed sausages from different meat producing factories (Ten in each) were used for histological examinations. One mm3 pieces of samples were fixed in 10% buffered formalin. Routine histological technique were used and sections were stained with haematoxylin-eoxin and studied under microscope.
Longitudinal and cross sections of scattered pieces of skeletal muscles were clearly distinguished in red-pink color. Athough connective tissue fibers especially collagens were coagulated by heat but distinguished clearly in an integrated form with pink colour. Fat tissues has been solved in xylole soultions and seen in white colour. The vegetable and animal fat tissues have been mixed together and not distinguishable from each other. Additives have been spread separately and seen pink red colour and vegetable seeds especially soyas were pink, yellows and dark points in the slides.
In one of the samples, the salivary gland has been observed which was the evidence of using head tissues in the product. In another one Nocal ligament had been seen in the pink appearance. Histometric examination has been performed and the percent of muscular, fat connective tissues been determined.
This study showed that for quality evaluation of sausages histological studies is essential, especially when distinguishing inappropriate tissues and organs in meat prouducts, has been considered.