

Singled-oocyst of field isolated of Eimeria ten Ella inoculated via gavage. at one day old of 20 chicks, the oocysts of infected chicks harvested then sporulated oocysts were exposed for 2 and 6 hours in Occide and distillated water respectively, it appears that a dilution of 1:20 of Oo-cide inhibits excystment of oocysts. Experimentally infected one day chicks with Oo-cide treated oocysts were carried out, the result showed that oocysts treated prevented excretion of oocysts in feaces of chicks. But mortality and a maximum of 80000 oocysts per gram of feaces was observed in control group. Two pen floor each consists of 15 square meters were selected in Faculty Research Institute in order to house 150 chicks in each of them. The pens was infested by the use of an application of Eimeria tenella oocysts at a concentration of 100000 oocysts to a square meter of the floor. Treated pen was achieved with Oo-cide over the entire area previously infested by oocysts, but the control pen had a water spray on the litter. Oocyst count of a gram of feaces showed signifcantly increased oocysts out put of the chicks which housed in untreated pen.
