

Objective: Comparison of dimensions and cortical zones
of left and right adrenal glands in Lori-Bakhtiari sheep. Design: Descriptive study. Animals: One hundered pairs of adrenal glands of Lori -
Bakhtiari sheep.
Procedure: One hundered pairs of normal adrenal glands
were collected in two age groups (6 month to 1 year and 1 - 1.5 years old) from Shahrekord abattoir. After collecting
the glands and weighing them, some parameters such as:
length, wide and thickness of them were measured by
caliper device. For histological studies, after tissue
preparation and H&E staining, cortical zones and
medullae of glands were recognized. The size of zones
were determined by micrometry.Values of left and right
adrenal glands and two ages were analyzed. Statistical analysis: t- student test.
Results: There was a significant difference between
dimensions of left and right adrenal glands. The mean
weight and length of left adrenal gland was greater than the
right. In 6 month to 1 year group the mean wide of right
adrenal was greater than left and there was a significant
difference between them. These Findings were in contrast
to 1-1.5 years old group. All of measured parameters in 1-
1.5 years group were larger than 6 month to 1 year group
(P<0.001). Histological studies revealed that, there Was a
significant difference in size of zona fasciculate between ‘left (2766.66±144.33j.tm) and right (3450.00 ± 43.3Opm)
adrenal glands in 1 - 1.5 years group.
Clinical implication: In Lori-Bakhtiari sheep, dimensions
of left adrenal gland was greater than the right one. The size of zona fasciculate in right adrenal gland was greater than the left one in 1-1.5 years group and the difference was
significant (P<0.05). J.Fac. Vet.Med. Univ. Tehran.
