Objective: Anatomical studies of tarsal ligaments of Iranian one- humped camel. Design: Anatomical studies of tarsal joint of camel by dissection
and cutting different sections.
Animals: Fifteen hind limbes of healty one humped camel.
Procedure: Ten fresh and 5 frozen tarsal joints of camel were
studied. All ligaments were dissected and named by N.A.V. Frozen
specimens were cut sagittaly and dorsally and internal ligaments studied properly.
Results: Twenty six ligaments in tarsal joints of one-humped camel were studied there were six groups which classified and named by N.A.V.
Clinical implications: From these results, 26 ligaments were
studied and named. Recognising ligaments of tarsal joint of one
humped camel can help veterinarian for further treatments of injuries
in tarsal joint. J. Fee. Vet. Me1 Univ. Tehran. 58,2: 129-132, 2003.