

Objective: To evaluate the electrocardiography changes in
the experimentally induced ascitis in broiler chickens using
cold stress as a model.
Design: Experimental study.
Animals: A total of 300 day-old male Ross 308 broiler chicks.
Procedure: Chickens were randomly divided into two equal
groups, (control and test). chicks were reared for six weeks.
Gradually Temperature was gradually decreased in the test
group to 30% of the standard program from 2nd week of the
rearing period. At the end of each week, 5 chicks from each
group were selected and electrocardiography recordings were performed. Also after autopsy right ventricle I total ventricular weight was measured and recorded.
Statistical analysis: t- student Test and Bivariate correlation.
Results: There were significant elevation of the S wave
amplitudes in 4th week (leads II, III, a VR)and 6th week (lead
III) .S wave had a significant correlation with RVJTV in 4th
week (lead II) and 5th week (leads II, a VF) in the test group,
too. There were also significant increase in the T wave amplitudes in 4th and 5th weeks (leads II, a VF) and 6th week(leads a VF, a VR) in the test group. In this study, R waves did not show a significant variation with the
exception of 4th week(lead II). There were an elevation of MEA in test groups (with a right-cranial direction) but it just was significant in 4th week compared with control group.
Conclusion: Electrocardiograms can be used effectively to evaluate the development of as cites syndrome in broiler chickens. The increase in the amplitude of S and T waves could be considered as the sign of ventricular hypertrophy in as cites syndrome resulted from cold condition.
J.Fac. Vet.Med. Univ. Tehran. 60,4:333-337,2005.
