

Object: Descriptive study of lameness in some dairy farms in Shiraz and Marvdasht in Fars Province.
Design: Descriptive study.
Animals: 624 cattle in six dairy farms.
Procedure: The dairy farms were selected on the basis of owners’ cooperation, type of production and predominant breed (Holstein breed). In the first step farmers were interviewed using a questionnaire to record the general information of herd. A separate form was completed for every affected cow according to history and clinical examination. This study was continued for a period of one year.
Statistical analysis: The results of this study were analyzed descriptively.
Results: The results indicated that 13.74% of examined cattle showed lameness. From that 4.8% were in winter, 4% in spring, 2.12% in summer and 2.7% in autumn. Lactating cows were most affected. 2-5 years old cows were the most sensitive ones. Most of lesions were located in the digital region (89.55%) showing 72.10% in hind limb, 46.48% in lateral claw of hind limbs.
Conclusion: Bed condition, rainfall, age, hoof trimming management, no footbath, inadequate exercise and stage of lactation were determining factors in occurrence of lameness in this study. J.Fac. Vet.Med. Univ. Tehran. 60,4:339.345,2005.
