Abstract: Dirofilaria immitis is located in the heart and releases their microfilaria in peripheral circulation. In this study, the blood samples from 122 dogs were taken from cephalic or saphen veins. Samples were examined by the modified Knot method. Then in infected dogs, all microfilaria in each ml. of blood were calculated and adult worms were isolated from heart and their sex was determined. Blood microfilaria were observed in 18 samples (14.75%), microfilaria of Dirifilaria immitis in 15 samples (12.29%), microfilaria of Dipetalonema reconditum in two samples (1.64%) and mixed infection in one sample (0.82%). The relationship between infection and sex, age and geographical regions was not significant but the rate of infection in Noh Hesar and Ghias Abad was significantly higher than that of other rural regions. The average of microfilaria in each ml. of blood in infected dogs was 4470.6 ± 1243.54 and average of isolated adult worms from heart was 3.13 ± 0.29.Regarding the presence of infection in Garmsar and the probability infection in humans, the infection should be controlled by the removal of stray dogs and treatment of sheepdogs.
Key words: Dirofilaria immitis, Dipetalonema reconditum, Garmsar.