Coccidiosis is of great economic and medical importance in sheep.Coccidial infection have been reported in almost all sheep rearing places in the world. Coccidia are generally regarded as ubiquitous parasite of animals and continue to be a serious cause of lowered productivity and ill-health. There have been some studies on sheep coccidial infection in Iran. Present study was performed to determine the prevalence rate and diversity of Eimeria speciesamong 230 facal samples provided form sheep of Hamedan suburb. Oocysts were separated using Clayton Lane procedure and were sporoulated. Different species of Eimeria were recognized based on morphometry (length, width, and shape index) and morphology (shape, color, presence or absence of micropyle and its cap, presence of residual, polar and stiedae bodies) of the oocysts. The results showed an overall prevalence of 43.04 percent for coccidisis. The identified species included E. ovinoidalis (%24.21). E. ahsata( % 17.82) E.faurei (% 17.82) , E. parva ( % 14.78) , E . crandalis ( % 8.6) , E .punctata ( % 3.91) E. ovina(% 3.04)E. palida (% 2.68) , E. intricata ( % .86) , and E. Weybridgensis (% .43).