A comparative study of feed lot performances of the local male lamb fed by the rape silag and it's hay


For determination and comparison between feeding value of rape
silage and its hay, two groups of seven head weaned lamb with the
same body weight and breed were fed for a 100 days period of
these feeds and a same amount of barley as a nutritive supplement.
Each animal was fed approximately 130gr of crude protein and
1730 kcal net energy (NRC standard recommendation 1985). The
animals were weighed after each 20 days period. Dry matter
intake were higher in group had fed rape silage in comparison to
hay fed group (+9.2%) but average weight gain was higher (+16 gr
day lamb) non of these datas showed a significant difference
between two groups. Because crude protein intake was higher in
silage fed group, and with considerating of feed efficacy factor the
daily weight gain was higher in this groups too, it was concluded
that the rape silage may be preferable to rape haying in lamb feed