Determination of the reference value for intra ocular pressure in dogs in Iran


In order to find a reference values of intra ocular pressure (lOP) in
the normal male and tamale dogs on the basis of sizes ages, a
research project were conducted. For this purpose, during one
year (1992-1993), the lOP of total 360 dogs (180 males and 180
females. either large of small sizes) refered to the Small Animal
Teaching Hospital of Tehran University were measured by Shiotz
tomometer. These dogs were subdivided in to three groups of ages
including less than one year old, between 1-5 years old and more
than five years old in each group of the large size or the small size
breeds considering the equal numbers of male or female dogs.
Therefore, there were 30 dogs in each of the three age groups
within the large or small sizes of the males or females, totally 360
normal dogs were clinically examined. Following the physical
examinaties, two drops of Tetracaine (0.5%) eye drops were used
in the right eye of the each dog . After a few minutes the lOP
pressure were measured by using Shiotz tomometer in the morning
(A.M.) at the dark room with the presence of the owner. Refering
to the converting tables of human and canine tonometries,
calibrated by peiffer (I 977) and Pickett et al (1988) for normal
canine eye, the obtained values were noted in Hg milimeters
follwing the accurate measurements. The results are shown in
tables 1 and 2 as the average values of lOP in normal male and
female dogs in different size and ages subgrouped experssing in Hg milimeters. Analysis of variance revealed that the mean values of
lOP in the small size breed dogs are significantly higher than the
large size breed dogs. There was no significant difference between
the mean lOP for male and female dogs. Concerning the
relationship of age and the mean values of lOP in all 360 days, the
statistical analysis indicated a significant difference between the
lOP of dogs in different ages (p<0.05). The lOP mean values in the
dogs less than one year old were significantly more than the dogs of
five years old or further. The range of mean values of lOP in the
age groups showed a gradual invert trend. The summarized results
of this study which are persented in tables 3 and 4 as well as in the
Histograms of 1-7 could be useful for small Animal clinicansin
order to make an accurae estimation of normal canine lOP during
the practice and research.