The effects of Biarum carduchorum and Quercus Infectoria Gall extracts on percentage of hatching and survival rate in the early growth stage of Oncorhynchus mykiss larvae


1 Department of Marine Sciences, Fisheries groups, Chabahar Maritime University, Chabahar, Iran

2 Aquatic Animal Health Units, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shirazu University, Shiraz, Iran


BACKGROUND: To reduce adverse environmental effects resulting from repeated use of chemical contaminants, herbal extracts are a natural suitable alternative in aquaculture. Objectives: The present study investigated the effects of Biarum carduchorum and Quercus Infectoria Gall extracts on percentage of hatching and survival rate in the early growth stage of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) larvae compared with malachite green (MG). Methods: To assess the percentage of hatching and survival rate in the early growth stage, B. carduchorum was used at 400 mg/l for 30 minutes per day, Q. Infectoria Gall at 40 mg/l for 30 minutes per day and MG as the positive control at 2 mg/l for 20 minutes per day. Normal control without any treatment was also included. Each treatment trial was provided in three replicates.  Results: The obtained results showed that the mortality level in normal control was significantly higher than other groups in the hatching stage (p<0.05). Also, the mortality rate in eggs treated with B. carduchorum was significantly lower than both MG and Q. Infectoria Gall groups (p<0.05). The mortality rate in eggs treated with Q. Infectoria Gall was significantly higher than MG group (p<0.05). In addition, the mortality rate of the produced larvae was significantly higher in both Q. Infectoria Gall group and normal control groups than the other two groups (p<0.05).Conclusions: The results showed that use of B. carduchorum at 400 mg/L is able to significantly improve the survival rate of rainbow trout eggs and larvae during incubation period. It can be comparable to MG.


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