The experiment was designed as to evaluate the clinical and radiological changes of femoral head resurfacing using foetal skull bone. It was conducted on 15 clinically healthy adult dogs between 1 to 2 years of age and l5 to 25kg/BW, which were divided into 3 group of 5 animals each. The full thickness cartilage of right femoral head was removed in all animals of three groups. The first group acted as control one. Where as resurfacing was done by using the fresh foetal skull bone which was fixed by using 0.8 mm cerclage wire around femoral head in animals group II and III. The hip joint af animals in groups Ill was fixed by using intramedullary pin (2mm). The observations were made for 60 days and radiographs were obtained on 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days. The non – weightbearing lameness was observed during the first three days in animals group I and the first five days in animals group II. The weightbearing lameness was recorded in these animals till end of second week. The non weightbearing lameness was noted in 4 animals of group III till end of observation period on 60 days. There was no significant radiological changes on 15,30,45 and even 60 days in group I & II animals : where as fading out articular line, secondary articular changes was noted on 30 days in animals group III. Severe disuse atrophy (osteoporosis) There was remarkable reduction in the density of the trochanter major, neck femoral head was reduced on 45 and 60 days which were indications for susbchondral damgae, adhesion and osteoporosis at the fixed hip joint in these animals. The results show that, the resurfacing of femoral head. Without reducing joint space and joint motion is quite useful for repairing cartilage defects the fixation of joint leading to secondary changes and marked reduction in joint space and motion in not recommended.