In this study delayed type hypersensitivity reaction (DTH, skin test) was investigated in experimentaly infected rabbit for diagnosis of Salmonellosis. Eight conventional rabbits were placed into 4 groups and they were infected orally with 2 x 1o9 C.F.U. of S.typhimurium, S.dublin, S.abortus ovis and non infected group. In feces culture and serological tests all rabbits were negative before experimentaly infection. Skin testing was performed by intradermal injection of sonicated S.typhimurium as antigen. Double skin fold thickness and visual assessment were recorded before injection and at 24,48,72 & 96 hours after injection of antigen. Histopathological examination of skin from injection site of rabbits at the end of the experiment revealed the cellular infiltrations. Non infected rabbits were negative both in skin test and also Histopathological studies.