Induced acute chemical inflammation of synovial membrane and fetlock joint capsule by injecting turpentine oil and gentamycin in equine


Clinical observations with gross and microscopic changes of acute
chemical inflammation of fetlock joint by injecting turpentine oil
and gentamycin in 4 donkeys 2 to 4 years of age and 150 to
200kg/BW were recorded. The animals coordination, pain at the
site of injection, local heat joint circumferences and weight bearing
after inducing arthritis in fetlock forelimb and hind limb were noted
down. O.2ml of turpentine oil and O.8ml of gentamycin was
injected to the right forelimb and left hindlimb fetlock joints of
animal NO.1 Whereas 0.1 ml of turpentine oil and O.9ml of
gentamycin injected to the right forelimb of animal No.2. Injection
of 0/1 ml of turpentine oil with 1ml of gentamycin combination to
the right forelimb and 0/2ml of the turpentine and 0.8ml of
gentamycin to the left hindlimb of animal No.3, whereas 0.lml of
tupentine oil and 0.9ml of gentamycin to the right forelimb of
animal No 4 to record clinical, gross and microscopic changes in
animal No.1 and 2 after 5 days and in animals NO.3 and 4 after 21
days of post injection. The severity of inflammation, swelling and
lameness were quite evident in animal No.3 after a day of injection
as compared to No.1, 2 and 3. Local heat, pain at the site with
positive flexion test and oozing of exudate at the site of injection on
5 days of injection in animal No 3 was quite significant Exudative
reaction at the posterior aspect of fetlock with fibrinous
inflammation of synovial layer considered to be the major gross
changes in animals No 1 and 2, Synovitis, exudative fibrinous and
synovial pouch, with petechial haemorrhage end increased in
thickness of synovial layer and erosion of joint cartilaqe were
considered to be the major gross changes of animal No.3.
Fibrinous inflemmative reaction of synovial surface was observed in
animal NO.4. The mild inflarnmativa reaction with infiltration of
lymphocytes, macrophaqes and plasma cells was observed in
animals NO.1 and 2, where as hyperplasia and hypertrophy of
synovial layer were characteristic microscopic changes in animal