Number of Volumes: 28
Number of Issues: 108
Number of Articles: 1,605
Number of Contributors: 3,809
Article View: 3,430,613
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Journal of Veterinary Research (J Vet Res)
Journal of Veterinary Research, provides a source for the publication of reviews, research reports, technical notes and case histories covering all aspects of veterinary research in any species.
Manuscripts are submitted with the understanding that they are original contributions and do not contain data that have been or will be published elsewhere. Abstracts of oral or poster presentations do not constitute previous publications. Manuscripts may take the form of an article or a short communication.
Journal of Veterinary Research can be accessed via the website
Considering the fact that all articles in Journal of Veterinary Research will be available to the public free of charge, the corresponding authors are required to Pay IRR 6,000,000 for Original articles, Review articles and Case studies and Clinical reports in the amount of 3,000,000 Rials for Short research articles to the journal’s account after getting accepted in order to cover the expenses of the articles’ publication.
Journal Titel: Journal of Veterinary Research (J Vet Res)
The flow diagram of the process of review and accepting articles is described in the article acceptance process section.
Intellectual Rights: All Intellectual Rights of the Work Belong to the Author
COPE: Journal of Veterinary Research: Respecting the rules of ethics in publications, this publication is subject to the rules of the Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the Law of Prevention and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works.
Journal Type: Scientific Journal
ISO Abbreviation: J Vet Res
Type of Articles that can be Published: Scientific-Research
Frequency: Quarterly
Language: Bilingual Persian (Abstract and Sources of English Articles)
Plagiarism: Hamtajo Software is Used to Prevent Plagiarism
If the article has a sponsor or provider of research credit, it is mandatory to include it in the article by the author.
Country of Publication: Iran
Publisher: Univrsity of Tehran Press
Field of Expertise: Veterinary Medicine
Start of Publication: Online since 1997
Peer Review Policy: Double-Blind Peer-Review
Primary Review: 10 Days, Approximately
Average Refereeing Time: 12 Weeks
Format: Print and Electronic
Rank 2023 in the Ministry of Science: International
ISC Impact Factor: 0.067
Print ISSN: 2008-2525
Online ISSN: 2251-6190
Pages 193-200
Fatemeh Sanaei; Fateme Jalousian; Seyed Hossein Hosseini; Parviz Shayan; Fatemeh Manshori Ghaishghorshag
Pages 201-212
Mohammad Sadegh Moradi; Seyed Ahmad Madani; Mohsen Farkhoy; Mehrdad Modir Sanei
Pages 213-221
Saeid Zibaee; Akbar Khorasani; Nasser Morgan Azghadi; Maryam Torabi; Hamidreza Farzin
Pages 223-232
Faezeh Rahimi Pirmahalle; Mohammad Hassanzadeh; Sara Mirzaie; Ramak Yahyaraeyat; Jamshid Razmyar
Pages 233-248
Kavian Rezaei; Seyedeh Alemeh Hosseinian; Sara Basiri; Kimiya Nader
Pages 249-263
Layla Rad; Zahra Keshtmand; Seyyedeh Masumeh Mirnurollahi